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1 September 2006 Terrestrial mammals of the Smoky Hills Army National Guard Training Facility, Saline County, Kansas
Glennis A. Kaufman, Donald W. Kaufman
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We documented 22 species of mammals on the Smoky Hills Army National Guard Training Facility in Saline Co., Kansas during a 3-year study initiated in 1998. These mammals included 12 species of rodents, 4 of carnivores, 3 of insectivores, and 1 each of deer, lagomorph and opossum. During our sampling surveys of small mammals, the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) was the most common species captured, but it was captured only in our 1 woodland site and in grassland sites that had scattered woody vegetation. The most common small mammals in our 13 grassland sites were the deer mouse (P. maniculatus) and hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus). Additional records of mammals came from incidental captures in pitfall and funnel traps set for herps, sightings of live and dead individuals and observations of species-specific sign during the 3-year period.

Glennis A. Kaufman and Donald W. Kaufman "Terrestrial mammals of the Smoky Hills Army National Guard Training Facility, Saline County, Kansas," Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 109(3), 120-124, (1 September 2006).[120:TMOTSH]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 September 2006
mixed-grass prairie
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